About me2019-06-13T14:53:00+00:00

About me

When I was four and a half years old, my parents put me through viola classes. By studying this wonderful instrument, I developed my love of classical music.

At 13, my cousin sold me his electric bass. So I started playing funk, pop and jazz, and my musical ear has evolved ever since.

While completing my music diploma at St-Laurent College (Cégep), I was part of the College’s theater group. There, my passion took flight!

Then I studied acting at the Lionel-Groulx theater school, while continuing to play music in several bands.

Since 1999, I worked as a musician, actor, composer, sound designer and music producer.

I composed all the original music creations of Théâtre Tout à Trac, produced several soundtracks composed by Yves Morin and other composers, directed actors for voice-over gigs, auditions and demos, produced commercial spots and corpo gigs, recorded more than 1000 voice-overs, composed music for TV series and movies, and was a sound engineer on tour…

In 2006, I built my own studio in the Rosemont neighbourhood, and it has since become a stimulating place for the creation of all kinds of music and sound projects.

In addition to my studio work, I am also the father of four beautiful children, a fan of scotch, good food, and a DIY tree house builder.